
Base class for for SECS stream and functions.

class secsgem.secs.functions.base.StructureDisplayingMeta[source]

Bases: type

Meta class overriding the default __repr__ of a class.


Return a type’s method resolution order.

class secsgem.secs.functions.base.SecsStreamFunction(value=None)[source]

Bases: object

Secs stream and function base class.

This class is inherited to create a stream/function class. To create a function specific content the class variables _stream, _function and _data_format must be overridden.


Append data to list, if stream/function parameter is a list.

Parameters:data (various) – list item to add

Generate the encoded hsms data of the stream/function parameter.

Returns:encoded data
Return type:string

Update stream/function parameter data from the passed data.

Parameters:data (string) – encoded data

Update the value of the stream/function parameter.

Parameters:value (various) – new value for the parameter

Get the current value of the stream/function parameter.

Returns:current parameter value
Return type:various
classmethod get_format()[source]

Get the format of the function.

Returns:returns the string representation of the function
Return type:string