Source code for secsgem.gem.hosthandler

# (c) Copyright 2013-2021, Benjamin Parzella. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
"""Handler for GEM host."""
import collections
import typing

import secsgem.common
import secsgem.secs

from .handler import GemHandler

[docs]class GemHostHandler(GemHandler): """Baseclass for creating host models. Inherit from this class and override required functions.""" def __init__(self, connection: secsgem.common.Protocol): """ Initialize a gem host handler. :param connection: Connection """ GemHandler.__init__(self, connection) self.is_host = True self.report_subscriptions: typing.Dict[typing.Union[int, str], typing.List[typing.Union[int, str]]] = {}
[docs] def clear_collection_events(self) -> None: """Clear all collection events.""""Clearing collection events") # clear subscribed reports self.report_subscriptions = {} # disable all ceids self.disable_ceids() # delete all reports self.disable_ceid_reports()
[docs] def subscribe_collection_event(self, ceid: typing.Union[int, str], dvs: typing.List[typing.Union[int, str]], report_id: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, str]] = None): """ Subscribe to a collection event. :param ceid: ID of the collection event :type ceid: integer :param dvs: DV IDs to add for collection event :type dvs: list of integers :param report_id: optional - ID for report, autonumbering if None :type report_id: integer """"Subscribing to collection event %s", ceid) if report_id is None: report_id = self._report_id_counter self._report_id_counter += 1 # note subscribed reports self.report_subscriptions[report_id] = dvs # create report self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(2, 33)( {"DATAID": 0, "DATA": [{"RPTID": report_id, "VID": dvs}]})) # link event report to collection event self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(2, 35)( {"DATAID": 0, "DATA": [{"CEID": ceid, "RPTID": [report_id]}]})) # enable collection event self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(2, 37)({"CEED": True, "CEID": [ceid]}))
[docs] def send_remote_command(self, rcmd: typing.Union[int, str], params: typing.List[str]): """ Send a remote command. :param rcmd: Name of command :type rcmd: string :param params: DV IDs to add for collection event :type params: list of strings """"Send RCMD %s", rcmd) s2f41 = self.stream_function(2, 41)() s2f41.RCMD = rcmd if isinstance(params, list): for param in params: s2f41.PARAMS.append({"CPNAME": param[0], "CPVAL": param[1]}) elif isinstance(params, collections.OrderedDict): for param in params: s2f41.PARAMS.append({"CPNAME": param, "CPVAL": params[param]}) # send remote command return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(s2f41))
[docs] def delete_process_programs(self, ppids: typing.List[typing.Union[int, str]]): """ Delete a list of process program. :param ppids: Process programs to delete :type ppids: list of strings """"Delete process programs %s", ppids) # send remote command return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(7, 17)(ppids))).get()
[docs] def get_process_program_list(self) -> secsgem.secs.SecsStreamFunction: """Get process program list.""""Get process program list") # send remote command return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(7, 19)())).get()
[docs] def go_online(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Set control state to online.""""Go online") # send remote command resp = self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(1, 17)())) if resp is None: return None return resp.get()
[docs] def go_offline(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Set control state to offline.""""Go offline") # send remote command return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(1, 15)())).get()
[docs] def enable_alarm(self, alid: typing.Union[int, str]): """ Enable alarm. :param alid: alarm id to enable :type alid: :class:`secsgem.secs.dataitems.ALID` """"Enable alarm %d", alid) return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(5, 3)( {"ALED": secsgem.secs.data_items.ALED.ENABLE, "ALID": alid}))).get()
[docs] def disable_alarm(self, alid: typing.Union[int, str]): """ Disable alarm. :param alid: alarm id to disable :type alid: :class:`secsgem.secs.dataitems.ALID` """"Disable alarm %d", alid) return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(5, 3)( {"ALED": secsgem.secs.data_items.ALED.DISABLE, "ALID": alid}))).get()
[docs] def list_alarms(self, alids: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Union[int, str]]] = None): """ List alarms. :param alids: alarms to list details for :type alids: array of int/str """ if alids is None: alids = []"List all alarms") else:"List alarms %s", alids) return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(5, 5)(alids))).get()
[docs] def list_enabled_alarms(self): """List enabled alarms.""""List all enabled alarms") return self.secs_decode(self.send_and_waitfor_response(self.stream_function(5, 7)())).get()
def _on_alarm_received(self, handler, alarm_id, alarm_code, alarm_text): del handler, alarm_id, alarm_code, alarm_text # unused variables return secsgem.secs.data_items.ACKC5.ACCEPTED def _on_s05f01(self, handler: secsgem.secs.SecsHandler, packet: secsgem.common.Packet) -> typing.Optional[secsgem.secs.SecsStreamFunction]: """ Handle Stream 5, Function 1, Alarm request. :param handler: handler the message was received on :type handler: :class:`secsgem.secs.SecsHandler` :param packet: complete message received :type packet: :class:`secsgem.common.Packet` """ s5f1 = self.secs_decode(packet) result = self._callback_handler.alarm_received(handler, s5f1.ALID, s5f1.ALCD, s5f1.ALTX)"alarm_received", {"code": s5f1.ALCD, "alid": s5f1.ALID, "text": s5f1.ALTX, "handler": self.protocol, 'peer': self}) return self.stream_function(5, 2)(result) def _on_s06f11(self, handler: secsgem.secs.SecsHandler, packet: secsgem.common.Packet) -> typing.Optional[secsgem.secs.SecsStreamFunction]: """ Handle Stream 6, Function 11, Establish Communication Request. :param handler: handler the message was received on :type handler: :class:`secsgem.secs.SecsHandler` :param packet: complete message received :type packet: :class:`secsgem.common.Packet` """ del handler # unused parameters message = self.secs_decode(packet) for report in message.RPT: report_dvs = self.report_subscriptions[report.RPTID.get()] report_values = report.V.get() values = [] for index, data_value_id in enumerate(report_dvs): values.append({"dvid": data_value_id, "value": report_values[index], "name": self.get_dvid_name(data_value_id)}) data = {"ceid": message.CEID, "rptid": report.RPTID, "values": values, "name": self.get_ceid_name(message.CEID), "handler": self.protocol, 'peer': self}"collection_event_received", data) return self.stream_function(6, 12)(0) def _on_terminal_received(self, handler, terminal_id, text): del handler, terminal_id, text # unused variables return secsgem.secs.data_items.ACKC10.ACCEPTED def _on_s10f01(self, handler: secsgem.secs.SecsHandler, packet: secsgem.common.Packet) -> typing.Optional[secsgem.secs.SecsStreamFunction]: """ Handle Stream 10, Function 1, Terminal Request. :param handler: handler the message was received on :type handler: :class:`secsgem.secs.SecsHandler` :param packet: complete message received :type packet: :class:`secsgem.common.Packet` """ s10f1 = self.secs_decode(packet) result = self._callback_handler.terminal_received(handler, s10f1.TID, s10f1.TEXT)"terminal_received", {"text": s10f1.TEXT, "terminal": s10f1.TID, "handler": self.protocol, 'peer': self}) return self.stream_function(10, 2)(result)