
A function is inherited from secsgem.secs.functionbase.SecsStreamFunction. When inheriting a function only _stream, _function and _formatDescriptor must be overwritten. Evervthing else is implemented in the base class.


class SecsS02F33(secsgem.SecsStreamFunction):
    _stream = 2
    _function = 33

    _formatDescriptor = secsgem.SecsVarList(OrderedDict((
        ("DATAID", secsgem.SecsVarU4(1)),
        ("DATA", secsgem.SecsVarArray(
                ("RPTID", secsgem.SecsVarU4(1)),
                ("VID", secsgem.SecsVarArray(
            )), 2)
    )), 2)

The data of a function can be read and manipulated with the same functionality as the variables. secsgem.secs.functionbase.SecsStreamFunction.set(), secsgem.secs.functionbase.SecsStreamFunction.get(), secsgem.secs.functionbase.SecsStreamFunction.append(), the index operator and object properties. The objects can also en- and decode themselves.


>>> f=secsgem.SecsS02F33()
>>> f.DATAID=10
>>> f.DATA.append({"RPTID": 5, "VID": ["Hello", "Hallo"]})
>>> f.DATA.append({"RPTID": 6, "VID": ["1", "2"]})
>>> f
S2F33 { [DATAID: U4 10, DATA: [[RPTID: U4 5, VID: [A 'Hello', A 'Hallo']], [RPTID: U4 6, VID: [A '1', A '2']]]] }
>>> f.DATA[1].VID[0]="Goodbye"
>>> f.DATA[1].VID[1]="Auf Wiedersehen"
>>> f
S2F33 { [DATAID: U4 10, DATA: [[RPTID: U4 5, VID: [A 'Hello', A 'Hallo']], [RPTID: U4 6, VID: [A 'Goodbye', A 'Auf Wiedersehen']]]] }
>>> secsgem.format_hex(f.encode())

The encoded data can be used as data string in a secsgem.hsms.packets.HsmsPacket together with a secsgem.hsms.packets.HsmsStreamFunctionHeader. See Packets.